Building Project List

Current as of 21 February 2025
This project list includes projects ranging from safety related to preferences. Most of the safety related projects were completed before we moved to the new building.

Take a look and see if there is something you could accomplish, something you could fund, or something you can advise on!
A Thermal Audit of the Interior of the Building was Accomplished on 17 March 2023, the Report is downloadable for your reference:

Is it required that a church have a building? Certainly not.

Can having its own building be helpful to a church? Quite possibly.

Is it wrong for a church to have its own building? Probably not.

But it is wrong if it diverts the church from its major tasks of evangelism, discipleship, and planting other churches.

And it is wrong if many of the resources of the church—such as energy, attention, finances—are drained away in providing and maintaining a building.

Furthermore, it’s wrong if the church exhibits pride in its building more than gratefulness for and worship of its Lord.

~ Clyde Meador, IMB (Ret)